Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Keva & Seth E-Session

Doing a little blog catch up today. This shoot was actually a couple of weeks ago and we had a blast! We went to the Columbia River Gorge and drove up and down the senic highway. For those that don't know, there are several really cool waterfalls (one of my favorite things) and it's just an all around beautiful place to hang out. It was a great day, and because of that there were 1,078,345 people up there, but we managed to find a few less crowded places to capture some great moments.

Thanks Keva and Seth for hanging out and spending the day with me. I had a ton of fun and look forward to your wedding!

He are a few of my favs from the day:

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

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