Friday, May 15, 2009

Briana & Ryan E-Session

Well it finally happened. Whew! We had this session scheduled probably 5 different times and had something happen every time. Everything from Briana's ring not making it in time to the weather being horrible got in our way. All the while their wedding was getting closer and closer. Yikes!

Monday was the day and we finally had things work out in our favor. The weather still wasn't ideal, but we made the best of it and got some killer shots! These two were troopers with their squinty eyes looking into a reflection while we waited a few seconds for the next cloud to cover the sun. Nothing was going to stop us this day!

I had a great day with you guys and it was such a relief to get this done it time. I know we were all starting to sweat it a bit. But, everything happens for a reason and we got some killer shots and made the deadline so it all worked out. You guys did great battling the wind, sun, clouds, sun, clouds, wind, sun....thing all day. I bet you were tired, but I think it was worth it. I'm looking forward to your wedding on the 30th!

Here are a few of my favorites from the day:

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Love this one!
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Sweet, sweet backlight...
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Um, ride 'em fishboy?
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Briana is going to look HOT on her wedding day!
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Stopping traffic
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

This is the cover of their guest book. Love it!
Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

Oregon Wedding Photographer - CL Steele Photographer

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